Marie's Toy Room!
Hi there! This is where I talk about and catalogue my various collections! As you can see, I'm an avid collector of toys! I primarly like fashion dolls, but I also like horse figures and other toys!
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- "When did you start collecting?"
When I was a kid! Starting with MLP in the 00s and Monster High in the 2010s. - "How long does it take you to dust?"
3mins every couple weeks with a feather duster. Every couple months I take them down to dust their shelves and vaccum, which takes about 2-3 hours. - "Do you have favorites?"
Lorna Mcnessie, Mouscedes King, and Fancy Gurl! - "How many toys do you have? Have you ever counted?"
According to Dollect I have at least 300 dolls, and thats not including my other toy collections. - "What is your rarest toy?"
I collect mass produced toys, so none of them are rare by design. However, my scary godmother doll and teenieping toys are uncommon in collector circles I think.
Page Under Construction!
Photographing all of my toys is a huge endevor, so please don't mind the unfinished sections!
My Little Pony
I've been a fan of MLP ever since generation 3 started when I was a kid! My mom was a generation 1 collector as a kid, so she introduced me to it! Nowadays, I collect a little from all generations!
Generation 3 is my favorite to collect! My favorite toy is my First Edition Fluttershy! My Favorite characters are Starsong, Minty, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle!

Monster High
Back in 2011, my mom introduced me to Monster High to get me into dolls. It worked... I loved barbie movies, so I LOVED a character driven doll line. The designs got even weirder over time and I used to spend hours on the website.
When the original generation 1 was running, I was also in a pretty bad place. Monster High's goofy but sincere themes brought me a lot of comfort. They inspired my first real interest in fashion and art!

As for generation 3, I personally love it! While I do have my complaints (I hope they get weirder with sculpts and introduce new characters), I really love a lot of changes made. They've made the first mass produced canonically nonbinary and plus size character dolls!

Rainbow High
I started collecting rainbow high shortly after it came out in 2020! I have very fond memories of watching the first season of the show and collecting the dolls with my internet friends.
I don't collect rainbow high anymore, as I'm not a fan of the reboot, which sometimes makes me sad. Until I remember how many I have, its probably for the best haha.

Misc Fashion Dollls
Various fashion dolls of mine that don't warrant their own sections. I currently collect Magic Mixies Pixlings, Licca, Cave Club, and Mermaze Mermaidz.

I mostly collect prize figures, mini figures, nendoroids, and amiibos! Most of my figure collection are Hatsune Miku figures, who is one of my favorite characters ever.