Welcome to the link directory!

This is my long page of links! Everything from neighboring sites to resources on webmastering to cool stuff to watch/read. Also includes the credits to everything on this site that I didn't make myself. I hope you find something neat :3

In an attempt to avoid eyestrain, GIFs play only when moused over.

Internet Neighborhood

A collection of websites on neocities and other indie hosts, many belonging to my mutuals, friends, and inspirations!!

Cool links

A collection of other fun and interesting stuff from around the internet!!

  • Worthikids -- an indie animator, artist, and musician. probably my favorite online artist. Most known for Bigtop Burger, Wire, Captain Yajima, and Free Apple. I also very much ejoy his album Dullahan.
  • Welcome Home Restoration Project -- an indie horror project about restoring a lost 1970s puppet show. Clown's art has been an inspo of mine for years, the art and character designs of WH are SO GOOD.
  • LOVEWEB CARTOON -- a web based cartoon about the internet!
  • People Watching -- a web cartoon about people doing people things. Started watching it in my teens, but I revist it every few years because I always get something new out of it each time.
  • What Happens Next -- a web comic about trans people, true crime, the internet, and trauma. tbh its a lot, heed the content warnings.
  • 1970s-90s 3D Animation Playlist -- playlist of early experimental 3D animation from the late 20th century.

Looking for something to watch?

Free movies, tv shows, and videos to watch!



Graphics and Site Decor

Codes and Widgets

Art Tools

Tools and Programs

I use an iPad 6th Generation, Apple Pencil, Procreate, and Flipaclip.


Web Coding


Helpful Stuff


Figure, Doll, and Toy Collecting

rainbow flash my little pony figure